EndPoint Backup

EndPoint Backup

As companies expand their business, they become more involved with efficiency. One of the most efficient ways companies continue their services is by working outside the office. Whether it be on a desktop at home or a laptop on a business trip, your company’s information is now scattered in motion. While this is extremely convenient, it also means that it is extremely dangerous. Why? Because as you travel from place to place, so does your company’s information. Not only does this create leakage of your information but it also creates room for inefficiency. Imagine that you lost that laptop on that business trip or that desktop at home breaks down, what do you do now? 

The answers lie in DDK’s InfoTech EndPoint Backup services. DDK InfoTech is now providing EndPoint backup services that protects and transfers data to a centralized system. Now, instead of installing a hard drive to backup information, this cloud backup automatically syncs the information so that in cases of emergency, it is retrievable in a matter of seconds. This is just another step towards efficiency your company can take to be one step ahead of the game! 

If you have any questions regarding your company’s backup information or are ready to install EndPoint Backup, give us a call at 212.997.0600!